Saturday, November 22, 2008

Search Engines - The Leaders of The Internet

If someone asked you what are all the search engines you know of most likely it would consist of "Google, Yahoo, Msn, Aol, AskJeeves". Believe it or not there are hundreds of search engines out there on the web. Yeah the majority of the internet population uses the 5 search engines above, but you don't want to miss out on the potential traffic from the other search engines. You have nothing to lose, only much to gain when trying to get into other search engines as well. When people try to do SEO(Search Engine Optimization) they usually aim for just optimizing for google's search engine. This of course makes sense since google is the top search engine, but why not go ahead and SEO for the other search engines while your at it.

When you search for a list of all the search engines in google, wikipedia will most likely pop up with a list of search engines. The reason I trust wikipedia over looking at any other sites or blogs is because wikipedia information is not just written by one person, but internet users like you and I. So no matter what, it will constantly be upgraded. To save you time, I will give you the Search Engines of my choice:


Metasearch engines

See also: Metasearch engine
Of course there is a much much bigger list of Search Engines all over wikipedia and especially ones that specifically target niche areas. For example, if you have a business website, you can submit your website to a business search engine. Target these search engines along with google, and you will definitely notice some traffic increase.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice list defintly going to ise some of them